
Coming Soon
The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, 2nd Edition
by Carol Ann TomlinsonThe updated second edition of the best-selling classic explains differentiated instruction, provides proven instructional strategies, and illustrates how real teachers are applying differentiation principles and practices.


Coming Soon
Read, Write, Lead: Breakthrough Strategies for Schoolwide Literacy Success
by Regie RoutmanAchieve dramatic academic improvement by entwining successful practices of literacy and leadership in your school.

Coming Soon
Grading Smarter, Not Harder: Assessment Strategies That Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn
by Myron DueckThis book shows how to design an effective assessment system that accurately reflects student learning and motivates students to meet learning objectives.

Coming Soon
Total Literacy Techniques: Tools to Help Students Analyze Literature and Informational Texts
by PĂ©rsida Himmele, William Himmele and Keely PotterThis book provides 3rd through 12th grade teachers with more than 50 tools and techniques for helping their students read independently and critically.


Handling Student Frustrations: How do I help students manage emotions in the classroom? (ASCD Arias)
by Renate Caine and Carol McClinticWith grade-specific examples throughout, Handling Student Frustrations offers strategies that educators at all levels can immediately apply to foster classrooms where students can overcome stress to focus on learning.

Engineering Essentials for STEM Instruction: How Do I Infuse Real-world Problem Solving Into Science, Technology, and Math? (ASCD Arias)
by Pamela TruesdellA straightforward look at how to begin addressing the "E" in STEM instruction in a way that's engaging, motivating, and linked to key content, standards, and 21st century skills.

Learning in the Fast Lane: 8 Ways to Put ALL Students on the Road to Academic Success
by Suzy Pepper RollinsA seasoned educator presents eight high-impact instructional practices to close achievement gaps and get all students—whether struggling or excelling—in the academic fast lane.

West Meets East: Best Practices from Expert Teachers in the U.S. and China
by Leslie Grant, James Stronge, Xianxuan Xu, Patricia Popp, Yaling Sun and Catherine LittleThe authors compare and contrast the practices, beliefs, and strategies of award-winning teachers in the United States and China.

Time to Teach: How do I get organized and work smarter? (ASCD Arias)
by Jenny EdwardsThis publication offers more than a dozen time management strategies for teachers.

Memory at Work in the Classroom: Strategies to Help Underachieving Students
by Francis Bailey and Ken PranskyThis book offers fresh insights into your students' learning difficulties and moves you to explore classroom practices that align with the functioning of memory and the ways students learn.

Teaching the Core Skills of Listening and Speaking
by Erik PalmerErik Palmer presents an approach to teaching long-neglected but essential language arts that is aligned with the Common Core but focused on preparing K–12 students in all subject areas for 21st century communication inside and beyond the classroom.

How Teachers Can Turn Data into Action
by Daniel R. VenablesWith easy-to-use templates and teacher-friendly protocols, this book provides a systematic process for translating data into classroom practice in cycles of two to nine weeks.

Engaging Minds in Social Studies Classrooms: The Surprising Power of Joy
by James A. Erekson, Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. FordTomorrow's world-class citizens are in our schools today. Explore these unique research-based ideas to bring learning and joy into your social studies classroom.

Managing 21st Century Classrooms: How Do I Avoid Ineffective Classroom Management Practices? (ASCD Arias)
by Jane BluesteinEducation expert Jane Bluestein identifies seven outdated classroom management practices and recommends effective, alternative strategies that take into account how students learn today.

Engaging Minds in Science and Math Classrooms: The Surprising Power of Joy
by Eric Brunsell, Michelle A. Fleming, Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. FordThis book is brimming with ideas and activities that are aligned with standards and high expectations to engage and motivate all learners in STEM classrooms.

Hanging In: Strategies for Teaching the Students Who Challenge Us Most
by Jeffrey BensonThis book uses real-life examples to show how educators can marshal empathy and patience to support the learning of students who challenge us in many ways.

Engaging Minds in the Classroom: The Surprising Power of Joy
by Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. FordLearn how to use research-based practices in your classroom that can truly engage students and help them be joyful, confident learners.

Engaging Minds in English Language Arts Classrooms: The Surprising Power of Joy
by Mary Jo Fresch, Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. FordCollege and career readiness standards demand reading, writing, and speaking proficiency from students. Learn research-based strategies that engage students in all facets of English Language Arts.

Vocab Rehab: How Do I Teach Vocabulary Effectively with Limited Time? (ASCD Arias)
by Marilee SprengerA collection of engaging 10-minute strategies for teaching content vocabulary across content areas.

Five Levers to Improve Learning: How to Prioritize for Powerful Results in Your School
by Tony Frontier and James RickabaughUnlock the potential for lasting improvements in teaching and learning by understanding how five critical "levers" work to move your efforts in the right direction.


Affirmative Classroom Management: How Do I Develop Effective Rules and Consequences in My School? (ASCD Arias)
by Richard L. CurwinThis publication offers clear and positive strategies that empower teachers and administrators to develop effective rules and consequences.

Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility, 2nd Edition
by Douglas Fisher and Nancy FreyIn the updated 2nd edition of this ASCD best-seller, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey dig deeper into the hows and whys of the gradual release of responsibility instructional framework, an approach that helps students develop into engaged, self-directed learners. Along with tips and tools for classroom implementation, you’ll find new examples and lesson advice aligned to the Common Core State Standards.

Self-Regulated Learning for Academic Success: How Do I Help Students Manage Their Thoughts, Behaviors, and Emotions? (ASCD Arias)
by Carrie Germeroth and Crystal Day-HessSpecific instructional strategies to help teachers at all grade levels foster self-regulation—the critical fourth "R" of education that students need in order to set and achieve academic goals and interact appropriately in the classroom.

Digital Learning Strategies: How Do I Assign and Assess 21st Century Work? (ASCD Arias)
by Michael FisherStrategies and resources for using technology to teach students 21st century skills.

Causes and Cures in the Classroom: Getting to the Root of Academic and Behavior Problems
by Margaret SearleAn expert in RTI lays out a five-step protocol that helps educators diagnose causes of common student academic and behavior issues and develop targeted interventions.

Ensuring Effective Instruction: How Do I Improve Teaching Using Multiple Measures? (ASCD Arias)
by Vicki Phillips and Lynn OlsonArmed with practical ideas for getting started at both the school and district levels, Phillips and Olson remind us that the best way to evaluate teaching performance is to use a balanced approach that includes multiple measures.

Classroom Instruction That Works with English Language Learners, 2nd Edition
by Jane D. Hill and Kirsten B. MillerThis all-new edition strengthens your instructional planning and makes it easier to know when to use research-based instructional strategies with ELL students in every grade level.
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