As a public educator, I aim to share my story with those interested about what really happens inside today's classroom. I hope my stories inspire, educate, and entertain you, as the calling of teaching is never neat or predictable. Please note that my blog content does not necessarily reflect the viewpoints or beliefs of my school district or colleagues.
Super Teacher's Job is Never Done!

Photo courtesy of
Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. ~ Author Unknown
My goal is to reveal one teacher's humble journey of self-reflection, critical analysis, and endless questioning about my craft of teaching and learning alongside my middle school students.
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'." ~ Dan Rather
Friday, March 29, 2013
The Meaning of Life....
I think many of you will appreciate this impromptu interview of a 9-year old about the cosmos, meaning of life, and parallel worlds.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Happy spring break!
It was recently Billy Collin’s birthday (as if you needed a reason to be happy with the calendar!); here’s a spring break-y poem of his to celebrate with:
I If ever there were a spring day so perfect,
so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze
That it made you want to throw
open all the windows in the house
and unlatch the door to the canary's cage,
I indeed, rip the little door from its jamb,
a day when the cool brick paths
and the garden bursting with peonies
seemed so etched in sunlight
that you felt like taking
a hammer to the glass paperweight
on the living room end table,
releasing the inhabitants
f from their snow-covered cottage
so they could walk out,
holding hands and squinting
into this larger dome of blue and white,
well, today is just that kind of day.
Or, if you prefer to hear poetry read by the poet…
Hope everyone has a wonderful spring break and we get a day or two like “Today”!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
See Fred Jones in action!
I recently registered for this awesome three-day summer teachers' workshop with Fred Jones, author of Tools for Teaching. It is a wonderful opportunity for all!
Here is the information most frequently requested:
All 10-month staff may receive 100% Tuition Reimbursement! In order to receive the reimbursement, staff must take the workshop for 2 graduate level semester units. ($325 for workshop registration plus $150 for 2 graduate level semester units)
- Staff registers for Tools for Teaching directly through Fred Jones and Associates. (information is on the flyer)
- Participants should call or fax their registration; MCPS participants should NOT register online (MCPS receives a discounted registration price, but this cannot be honored online)
- Participants will sign up to get graduate level semester units on the first day of the workshop
- Workshop is not listed on PDO, as it is not a MCPS course. The workshop is presented by Dr. Fred Jones and Mr. Patrick Jones, of Fred Jones & Associates.
More info. is available at:
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Interdisciplinary connections, here we come!
Educators around the country are exploring innovative ways to teach the new common-core literacy standards, and some are calling attention to an approach they say is working well: cross-subject thematic units.
In Common Core, Teachers See Interdisciplinary Opportunities
By Liana Heitin
Educators around the country are exploring innovative ways to teach the new common-core literacy standards, and some are calling attention to an approach they say is working well: interdisciplinary thematic units.
Whether they've had these types of units in their repertoires for years or are just now jumping into such cross-curricular work, educators say the new standards support this type of teaching in several ways.
First, one of the key instructional shifts associated with the Common Core State Standards in English/language arts is the requirement that students, starting in 5th grade, read more nonfiction than fiction. Some English teachers have lamented the prospect of replacing Shakespeare and Sandra Cisneros with informational texts. But proponents of the common standards point out that, as a footnote in the introduction to the standards explains, the required percentages for nonfiction "reflect the sum of student reading, not just reading in ELA settings." That is, informational texts are expected to be the shared responsibility of teachers "across the grade," potentially creating new opportunities for cross-curricular projects.
In addition, the common standards lay out specific literacy requirements for history/social studies, science, and technical subjects, and they emphasize research and synthesizing skills. Rather than tackling these new objectives in subject-area silos, some teachers are choosing to address them by integrating real-world themes and social issues into projects, and by reaching across hallways to do this work with colleagues.
One Theme, Many Standards
The common core "certainly lends itself to integrated interdisciplinary units," said Bobbi Farrell, a veteran teacher at Messalonskee Middle School in Oakland, Maine. Several years ago, she and her colleagues began moving to a standards-based approach to teaching, in which students go at their own pace and do not receive grades. Instead, kids are responsible for attaining proficiency in each standard. The group built this new approach, which Farrell calls "mass-customized learning," on the common-core standards, which were finalized in 2010.
Farrell, who teaches both social studies and language arts, often organizes her instruction around a theme. "For example, we may do a unit on identity," she explained. "Within that, we can look at immigration or social classes within social studies. We can look at such literature as The Outsiders within the framework of characterization or point of view." Through the structure the theme provides, she said, students are able to hit a variety of standards, depending on their individual goals. "In a short span of five to six weeks, kids get a massive amount of teaching and learning in that one unit."
While some language arts teachers are simply adding a nonfiction unit to fulfill the new reading requirements, others have found pairing fiction and nonfiction texts under a thematic umbrella to be a more effective way to teach critical reading. "In order to integrate the core in a way that doesn't overtake your class with isolated discrete lessons, this is the way to do it," said Sarah Brown Wessling, the 2010 National Teacher of the Year and a high school English teacher in Johnston, Iowa. "This is the way to get kids deeper into their analysis."
By organizing around "a concept or principle or theme or quest," teachers force students to engage with texts more deeply and compare them to one another. For instance, she said, "instead of thinking about teaching To Kill a Mockingbird, I'm teaching the concept of courage. To Kill a Mockingbird is one text I use. So is a [PBS] Frontline piece, a speech, an article. Putting those texts together in a bundle helps us to work toward conceptual understanding. That's the spirit of the core."
Rob Meza-Ehlert, a 10th grade social studies teacher at the Kearny School of Digital Media and Design in San Diego, explained that his small public high school is centered around interdisciplinary project-based learning. Teachers at the 450-student school, created though a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, work in grade-level teams to have students produce semester-long projects on topics of their choice. Tenth graders pick a social issue—genocide, environmental degradation, or human trafficking, for example—and read selected articles about it in social studies class, using the annotation skills they’ve learned in English. Then they continue the "research from my class with Socratic seminars in English," Meza-Ehlert explained. "The walls between the two disciplines are broken down. We’re developing similar skills with a similar approach." Eventually, students create a project—for instance, a video, brochure, or online game—to demonstrate what they’ve learned and offer something to the community.
Meza-Ehlert suggested that a strength of this approach is that it helps students see the natural fluidity between subjects. "I hear kids in my class talking about connections to English and science. As soon as kids are doing that on their own without being asked, you know what you're doing is working," he said.
A nine-year veteran at the school, Meza Ehlert says the common-core standards mesh well with the school's project-based learning model. "We actually have a pretty good foundation because a lot of what we've already been doing matches [the common core]. When I look at the common core … there are no shocks."
Logistical Barriers
Even so, Kathy Glass, a curriculum and instruction consultant in the San Francisco area, and author of books on mapping curriculum units to the common core for both primary and secondary grades, emphasizes that such units are not in-and-of themselves aligned with the common core. Teachers still need to do the hard work of adaptation. "I did interdisciplinary units 20 years ago," she said. But, to teach them today with the common core, "I'd have to say, 'Hmm. … Let me look at the resources I used. Were they appropriately complex? Let me look at the questions I had. Were they text dependent?' It's all very specific to how rich the interdisciplinary unit was."
In addition, there are, of course, logistical barriers to this kind of teaching.
For Farrell, teaching thematically often forces her to teach historical events out of order, "which, particularly in social studies, has been difficult," she said. "You think of history more in terms of chronology. One of the issues we're facing is how to know if we're filling in all those gaps."
The cross-subject-area, collaborative aspect can be tough to pull off as well, especially at the high school level. In elementary schools, where teachers are responsible for multiple disciplines, or in middle schools that are organized around teams, there are often more opportunities for teachers to collaborate on units. "If a school is organized for it, it makes a lot of sense," said Wessling. "My school doesn’t happen to be organized for that. … Certainly the ways that high schools are traditionally organized makes it more difficult."
While his high school has the luxuries of a small staff and flexible scheduling, however, Meza-Ehlert argues that all teachers can implement interdisciplinary work to some extent. "The product doesn’t have to be some project. For us what makes it work best is having big questions and topics that cross multiple disciplines."
He suggests that teachers "start small, where they're comfortable. Unpack one quote that is a challenging quote to unpack, starting in English and finishing in history class. … If the structures aren't in place, look for natural places of connection. If one other teacher has 10 to 15 shared students, try one reading together on one theme. The little things grow into something larger."
Finding Units
Resources are also available to help teachers create such thematic units across disciplines.
Facing History and Ourselves, a civic-learning organization, has been offering free curricular support to teachers for almost four decades. The Brookline, Mass.-based nonprofit provides units and lessons on themes such as racism, democracy, and prejudice on its website. "Our model has always been to teach a piece of literature situated in a historical context," said Jocelyn Stanton, senior program associate for special projects. "To understand the world around that piece of literature, you bring in primary sources, graphs, first-hand accounts"—all of which can count toward the common standards’ nonfiction reading requirements.
"On the flipside, we've also pushed history teachers to not only look at primary sources and textbooks but to bring in works of poetry and short stories to complement the time period," Stanton said. "By reading a poem from a Holocaust survivor, you deepen your understanding. I think the common core is basically asking teachers to do that."
While many of Facing History's units were written before the common standards existed, Stanton said they are philosophically and practically in line with what the core requires. "The idea of putting a text in front of students and asking them to deconstruct and find meaning, to read closely, to ask questions, that's how we started. It's somewhat ironic that we've been sort of set up for this [ie., the new standards] for a long time." The group is now working to directly align its units to the standards.
Emily Chiariello, a teaching and learning specialist with the Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance program in Montgomery, Ala., is in the midst of writing a "literacy-based anti-bias curriculum” for both language arts and social studies teachers, which should be finished by the fall. Chiariello describes theme-based interdisciplinary units as "the best for every number of reasons." She said that these units mimic the kind of learning through reading students will do as adults—for instance reading the newspaper to learn about politics, or looking at maps and magazine articles to learn about gardening.
"Maybe this is also what the common core is trying to get us to realize—that these boundaries between disciplines are false," Chiariello said. "They're not in the real world. I hope people can embrace those walls are coming down."
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Spring updates from Laura Robb!
I always love following her and her blog....
I will be posting new images before long but this Spring newsletter is
strictly an EVENTS and WORKSHOP update. As for EVENTS, I'd like to
remind you that there will be 3 new paintings of mine on display at Legacy
Gallery in Scottsdale this month. They will be a part of their 25th
Anniversary Show and the opening for it is March 8. Moving ahead to
mid-April, the May/ June issue of Art of the West Magazine will be
coming out and contains a feature article and interview on me and my work.
WORKSHOPS -- There is a class coming up in Santa Fe at Valdes March 25-28 and
a few openings are still available. This year we changed it from 3 days to 4
days long but the price did not move up that much comparitively so it is a
good deal as far as that goes. Valdes is a favorite place for me to teach as
there is room for each student to have their own still life. Being within
walking distance of Trader Joe's and Whole Foods doesn't hurt either.
New information on 2 workshops coming up this fall has been posted. September
25-28 are the dates for me to be teaching in Wisconsin and open registration
for this class begins Wednesday March 13. This will be a new adventure for me
and from what I hear, Door County is beautiful at that time of year. October
14-17 I will again be holding a workshop at the Blumenshein Studio here
in Taos. Prices and contact info for all of these can be found at the
WORKSHOP link on my home page.
Beyond that, I hope all of you are enjoying some warm Spring-like weather as
we are here in Taos. Thanks to all of the new subscribers and for any of you
in areas that observe Daylight Savings Time, remember to turn your clocks
ahead this weekend. Best wishes --Laura
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Learn more about CCSS!
View the following clip for helpful info on the Common Core State Standards and close reading:
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Be an intentional teacher!
Intentional Teaching: Infusing Instruction With Purpose
Wednesday, March 20, 2 to 3 p.m. ET
In this webinar, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of The Purposeful Classroom, will discuss a critical factor in effective teaching—the establishment of a clear purpose. They'll offer strategies for crafting instructional purposes to meaningfully guide student learning. And they'll discuss how intentional planning can lead students to take ownership of their learning.
Join me!
Wednesday, March 20, 2 to 3 p.m. ET
In this webinar, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of The Purposeful Classroom, will discuss a critical factor in effective teaching—the establishment of a clear purpose. They'll offer strategies for crafting instructional purposes to meaningfully guide student learning. And they'll discuss how intentional planning can lead students to take ownership of their learning.
Join me!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Reading like a Historian!
By turning students into history investigators, teachers help them develop critical thinking skills and increase student engagement. I love it!
Watch the video.
Watch the video.
Friday, March 8, 2013
A webinar to check out!
your calendars!
Hi again, I just came across the following SLJ Teen Book Buzz on March 21st at 3pm (this is a FREE 1 hr. Webcast Event sponsored by School Library Journal). Even though our course will be over by the 21st I thought you might be interested.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
For my fellow runners.....
Teaching and Running!
Download the official Twitter app here
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Truths About Teaching and Running…
via @rvoltz
Download the official Twitter app here
Monday, March 4, 2013
A great deal to check out!

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Friday, March 1, 2013
So depressing....
Not sure if you'll find this allegedly satirical article funny, depressing, or inspiring . . . .
This is why we NEED committed and passionate educators in today's classrooms!! articles/inspirational- english-teacher-canceled-out- by-ever,31461/
Here's the text:
SACRAMENTO, CA—Despite her effusive passion for education, constant encouragement, and heartfelt devotion to her pupils, English teacher Marcia Belsheim’s inspirational influence on Clement C. Young High School students is reportedly entirely canceled out by the attitude and conduct of every other educator employed at the institution, sources confirmed Tuesday. “Mrs. Belsheim makes me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to, but then unfortunately the rest of my classes convince me that school is a waste of my time and I probably won’t amount to anything,” said student Paul Whitaker, 15, adding that the brief glimmer of excitement he feels toward learning in his first period English class is quickly and permanently extinguished by his six other teachers’ apathetic and detached classroom behavior. “Sure, Mrs. Belsheim inspires us all to be the best we can be, but after sitting through Mr. [Edward] Durbrow’s awful science class the very next period, I really don’t give a shit about school or my future at all anymore.” At press time, weeks’ worth of Belsheim’s attentive after-school tutoring sessions for her sophomores were being systematically negated by Principal David Ford’s string of demeaning outbursts and lascivious advances toward students.
This is why we NEED committed and passionate educators in today's classrooms!!
Here's the text:
SACRAMENTO, CA—Despite her effusive passion for education, constant encouragement, and heartfelt devotion to her pupils, English teacher Marcia Belsheim’s inspirational influence on Clement C. Young High School students is reportedly entirely canceled out by the attitude and conduct of every other educator employed at the institution, sources confirmed Tuesday. “Mrs. Belsheim makes me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to, but then unfortunately the rest of my classes convince me that school is a waste of my time and I probably won’t amount to anything,” said student Paul Whitaker, 15, adding that the brief glimmer of excitement he feels toward learning in his first period English class is quickly and permanently extinguished by his six other teachers’ apathetic and detached classroom behavior. “Sure, Mrs. Belsheim inspires us all to be the best we can be, but after sitting through Mr. [Edward] Durbrow’s awful science class the very next period, I really don’t give a shit about school or my future at all anymore.” At press time, weeks’ worth of Belsheim’s attentive after-school tutoring sessions for her sophomores were being systematically negated by Principal David Ford’s string of demeaning outbursts and lascivious advances toward students.
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