I’m working on a project right now evaluating Massachusetts’implementation of the Educator Evaluation Framework (EEF), the new teacher/administrator evaluation system that districts are implementing as part of Race to the Top.
Right now, we’re looking for ten teachers/educators with whom to pilot a survey instrument that will then be revised and sent to a sample of districts and schools this winter. Participating in the pilot means completing the pilot survey and answering some additional questions about the clarity of the questions themselves. We imagine that it will take teachers approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey and additional questions. As a token of our appreciation for their time, participating teachers will receive a $20 gift card to Amazon or Starbucks (their choice).
We’re looking for teachers from at least a few different districts who have a range of experiences with EEF. They don’t have to be experts, as this is a new system for everyone, but all have to have at least heard of it and ideally received some information about it from their district. I’m wondering if you, or anyone you know might be willing to participate in the pilot. Please feel free to circulate this email to your colleagues or former colleagues. To sign-up to pilot the survey, teachers should enter their information into this form:
If more than ten teachers express interest, we will select a sample that represents a range of schools and districts, as well as familiarity levels with the new system.
Okay, so, why participate?
Ultimately, the educator survey regarding the EEF will enable teachers and school staff to provide (anonymous) valuable feedback to the department of education about the new evaluation system. Piloting the survey enables the research team to ensure that questions are worded clearly and that educators have an opportunity to provide feedback about its content and clarity. We welcome any questions. Please feel free to contact Meg Caven, Director of Survey Data Collection, HCEvaluation@abtassoc.com,1-888-688-7739.
Many thanks!
Meg Caven, (T440, 2010)
Don't bother with the survey. You won't receive the Starbucks gift card.