Please find attached the job description for a position that CommCorp is hiring for – Senior Program Manager for Education Quality Assurance for the Department of Youth Service’s Comprehensive Education Partnership initiative (info attached). This is a great position for a leader who is interested in supporting educational excellence in juvenile justice settings. We are looking for someone with a teaching or educational administrative background, a personal philosophy on positive youth development, and a commitment to catalyzing our Comprehensive Education Partnership’s resources to support continuous improvement of the Department of Youth Services educational programs. I’d be happy to answer questions from any interested candidates (my contact information is below). Please circulate this email widely – Best Janet Janet DaisleyDirectorDYS Comprehensive Education Partnership InitiativeCommonwealth Corporation4 Bay Road, Suite 100, Building AHadley, MA 01035(413)584-3627, ext. 107(413-537-1561 (cell)
More info.:
Youth Pathways Division
Commonwealth Corporation
Reports To: Director, DYS Initiative, Youth Pathways
Position Title: Senior Program Manager – DYS Education Quality Assurance and Improvement
Position Status Full-time Employment
Position Description
Overview: Commonwealth Corporation Department of Youth Services Education Initiative
In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) and the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), Commonwealth Corporation helps manage and deliver education and workforce services for youth involved in the state’s juvenile justice system. The goal of this partnership (referred to as the Comprehensive Education Partnership or “CEP” or “Partnership”) is to provide DYS clients with access and opportunity to a continuum of options and opportunities-- high-quality education and training, vocational and employability programs, mentoring and other services. Commcorp’s Youth Pathway’s division is committed to developing partnerships and implementing programming that reflects a positive youth development approach and furthers the values of social justice and equity.
Position Description – Purpose: The primary responsibility of the senior program manager is to manage the Education Quality Assurance (EQA) and Improvement Initiative, a statewide effort to identify, promote and assess the quality of educational programming in DYS settings in addition to coordinating technical assistance to support underperforming educational programs.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Convene Working Group. Convene a working group of advisors to regularly provide input, review products, and give guidance to the Partnership and DYS in managing and refining an education program assessment and improvement process.
2. Promote EQA Standards and Indicators. Maintain and continually refine a set of education quality standards for DYS education that are aligned with the DYS Teaching and Learning Standards, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Teacher Evaluation Standards as well as other national standards that support quality teaching and learning.
3. Communicate EQA Standards. In collaboration with DYS Central Office education services staff, the senior program manager will regularly communicate education standards, criteria and success indicators to all education providers in the DYS system and, along with DYS staff, articulate to the field the role of education program improvement as an element of program accountability, evaluation, and improvement.
4. Development and Refinement of EQA Tools and Protocols: Develop, refine and make recommendations on a set of tools and protocols to support the collection of data for the on-site EQA visits.
5. Implement EQA Process in DYS Educational Settings. Lead, organize and deploy staff to carry out a program assessment (using a set of observation tools and protocols), analyze self-reported data, and assign an overall quality rating to each program receiving an EQA visit.
6. Technical Assistance for Program Improvement. Provide technical assistance to education program sites that are in need of a plan for program improvement. Coordinate the delivery of technical assistance from CEP staff, education providers, and professional consultants to help programs in “non” or “partial compliance” improve their educational services to support effective student performance.
7. Training and Facilitation to support CEP Professional Development to Teachers and Educational Staff: Provide trainings related to the EQA and DYS Teaching and Learning Standards to support CEP’s professional development services to teachers.
8. Supervision of Staff: Supervise staff and consultants as needed.
9. Other responsibilities are required.
In addition to managing the education assessment and program improvement process, the senior program manager will be a member of CommCorp’s DYS project team and the Youth Pathways team.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
• Knowledge of new teacher development and current research and practice on teacher evaluation systems.
• Expertise with teaching pedagogy, instructional delivery and special education instruction.
• Experience coaching and mentoring new and veteran teachers.
• Ability to provide consistent, objective feedback and engage in conversations related to non-performing educational programs.
• Knowledge and training of multi-cultural education, culturally responsive practices and positive youth development instructional approaches.
• General understanding of youth development policy and practice that reflect an ‘asset-based’ approach to planning and delivery of youth services.
• Able to facilitate internal and external groups to achieve consensus.
• Excellent communication skills, including writing and public speaking. Ability to develop written analytical reports, and materials.
• General knowledge of program evaluation and strategies for continuous quality improvement of education programs.
Minimum Qualifications:
• A Masters degree in Education is required and Ph.D. in education, research methodology or another related area is preferred.
• At least three years teaching experience, preferably in an urban school setting.
• Education administrative experience preferable.
• Excellent communication and writing skills are required.
• Supervisory experience necessary.
• Must be motivated to work in juvenile justice facilities and settings.
• Current and valid driver’s license and car are required.
• Fluency in standard office computer applications is required, and knowledge of Excel is a strong plus.
To Apply:
• This position is posted as a full time position although CommCorp will consider applicants interested in part-time employment. Position is located in Hadley, MA.
• If you have questions regarding the position, please contact Janet Daisley, Director, CommCorp at 413-584-3627, ext. 107 or
• Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to
Helpful Additional Info. & Links:
Massachusetts Department of Youth Services
Comprehensive Education Partnership Initiative
In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS), Commonwealth Corporation (CommCorp) and the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) are designing, managing and implementing a far-reaching comprehensive education and workforce development system for all young people that are placed in DYS custody by the juvenile courts. The goal of this partnership is to create a continuum of options and opportunities--high-quality education and training, vocational and employability programs, and other services--that will give DYS clients the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a better future.
DYS Background Statistics:
1,300 youth at 56 residential facilities (run by a variety of vendors)
Facilities include detention sites (pre-commitment of youth); assessment sites (determination of placement); short and long term secure treatment programs; revocation and community reentry through district offices.
Profile: 34% white, 30% African American, 28% Latino, 3% Asian and 5% other.
The average age of youth is 17 and most youth are released by age 18; youth can be committed until 21 years of age (depending on offense).
Youth have wide ranging literacy, educational and workforce development needs.
Some of the key areas of services delivery for this initiative include:
Effective Workforce Development Strategies for Youth (CommCorp):
• Bridging the Opportunity Gap (BOG) Initiative: Implementation of vocational and employability programming that provide career readiness, work-based learning opportunities and connections to employment
2010 BOG Report:
• Empower Your Future Career readiness quality curriculum
• Community Reentry Initiative: Improved transition efforts for students returning to their home communities, including vocational and educational (alternative education, GED and adult basic education services) services
• Mentoring initiatives that connect youth with caring adults with the ability to expose youth to education and employment options
2010 CommCorp Walk in My Shoes Mentoring Report
• Technical assistance and fiscal monitoring of vocational and employability programs that identify positive outcomes for DYS youth
• Multiple Pathways for youth that provide a variety of education, workforce and training options for DYS clients.
• 2010 CommCorp DYS Report of Initiatives
Positive Youth Development Approach to Programming and Reform Framework (CommCorp/CES):
• Promotion of research and “best practices” that support an asset-based approach to working with youth
• Professional development, workshops and training on culturally responsive teaching and learning strategies
• Collaboration with community partners who are motivated and engaged about working with youth from a range of cultural, ethnic, racial and socio-economic backgrounds
DYS CEP Positive Youth Development Framework
DYS PYD and Culturally Responsive Practice “Roadmap”
Culturally Responsive Practice in DYS Education Settings
Program Assessment and Improvement of DYS Programs and Infrastructure (CommCorp):
• Initiation and implementation of a comprehensive education program assessment and improvement process to assess the quality of educational programming (Education Quality Assurance Initiative).
• . 2010 EQA Statewide Report
Quality Curriculum and Instruction for DYS Youth (CES):
• Creation and continuous improvement of an infrastructure to support the delivery of educational services to youth in care
• Direct educational services (including Title 1) provided by quality teachers with Massachusetts teaching certifications
• Standardized delivery of academic content in residential programs
• Substantial increases of education resources in classrooms, including text books, materials, technology, and content manuals (English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science).
English Language Arts
US History I
• Development of a universal transcript for students returning to public schools to leverage credit recovery
• Provision of consistent and quality professional development – built on a research based education foundion, for teachers, including seven professional development days and the deployment of instructional coaching by qualified staff
• Development and implementation of a student progress monitoring systems
• Development and implementation of a teacher evaluation and development system
• Competitive salaries for teachers working in residential programs
For more information on the DYS CEP Initiative contact:
Christine Kenney
Director of Educational Services
Massachusetts Department of Youth Services
27 Wormwood Street
Boston, MA
Janet Daisley
Senior Program Manager. CEP Initiative
Commonwealth Corporation
4 Bay Road, Suite 100, Building A
Hadley, MA 01035
(413)584-3627, ext. 107
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Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. ~ Author Unknown
My goal is to reveal one teacher's humble journey of self-reflection, critical analysis, and endless questioning about my craft of teaching and learning alongside my middle school students.
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'." ~ Dan Rather
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