In 2007, I had the opportunity to present my first working graduate school paper on adult education to a winter conference on the campus of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where I earned my Masters. Do I miss academia? Absolutely.
For you educators writing papers currently, please consider submitting to the following conference that comes highly recommended by my Harvard advisor. She writes:
This is a very good conference which I've for some reason never connected with. I think it would be a great place to present work, if you are looking for a good conference.
- Eleanor (Duckworth)
Please consider submitting a proposal for a paper presentation at the 23rd Annual Ethnographic Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC). The proposal deadline is Monday, March 21, 2011. For more details, visit the conference website:
The conference is affordable and centrally-located in Ohio, making it readily accessible to all by driving or flying. Please circulate this announcement to peers and graduate students active in qualitative research
projects. Note that we invite all interactive poster and lecture presentation conference papers for submission, review, and potential publication in a printed, peer-reviewed periodical, the Journal of
Ethnographic Qualitative Research (JEQR).
An announcement flyer is available at the EQRC website for you to print and post.
We hope to make your personal acquaintance this summer, and we are confident that you will find the conference to be both enjoyable and professionally profitable.
Michael W. Firmin, Ph.D.
EQRC Conference Director
Contact: Cedarville University, 1-800-CEDARVILLE, 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314
As a public educator, I aim to share my story with those interested about what really happens inside today's classroom. I hope my stories inspire, educate, and entertain you, as the calling of teaching is never neat or predictable. Please note that my blog content does not necessarily reflect the viewpoints or beliefs of my school district or colleagues.
Super Teacher's Job is Never Done!

Photo courtesy of
Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. ~ Author Unknown
My goal is to reveal one teacher's humble journey of self-reflection, critical analysis, and endless questioning about my craft of teaching and learning alongside my middle school students.
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'." ~ Dan Rather
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